The jar helps fortify the individual who possesses the jar against the mists. The Jar is Sealed with wax and bears the seal of two Fae lords: One of Summer and the other Winter. The Last Gift: The small earthenware jar is the last gift of the fleeing Fae to the last known living Malkavian Krive. The Carthage Blade: Simply put a blade forged by A Brujah elder using the Potance 6 power "Master of the Forge", Nigh indestructible and deals Str+2 lethal, the players are supposed to trade the Carthage Coin for it so that they have a weapon strong enough to cut through the Lhinnian's fortitude.So you hate Lhinnian XD The Carthage Blade: Simply putting a dagger forged by A Brujah elder using the Potance 6 power "Master of the Forge", Nigh indestructible and deals Str+2 lethal, the players are supposed to trade the Carthage Coin for it so that they have a weapon strong enough to cut through the Lhinnian's fortitude. The name "Sir Micheal" is a place holder name, I know I can do better than that.

The oil raised the difficulty of any supernatural power used by the Lhinnian by two and allowed any weapon dipped in the oil to do aggravated wounds to the Lhinnian. He died in the holy land and was laid to rest under the hospital (that eventually becomes the base of the knights hospitlar) with a flask of the oil he used to anoint new knights. Sir Micheal Anointing Oil: Sir Micheal was a English knight who's sister ran away to become a pagan and was eventually embraced as a Lhinnian, Sir Micheal tried several times to destroy his sister in god's name and failed and eventually went on the first crusade in a desperate attempt to wipe his soul clean of the sin on not destroying his sister. Used as a plot device in one of my games when an elder wanted to study the unique traits of a Lhinnian to discern exactly how a spirit was bonded to it.Ĭarthage Coin: A old coin from Carthage prized by Brujah, adds one die to self control and courage rolls to avoid frenzy. at which point the organ (and up to two blood points of vitae) are kept preserved indefinitely. I was writing a sort of treasure hunt introductory adventure where the players where ordered by their sires and their sire's master to gather a few magic items needed to acquire the heart of a Lhinnian for study, here are the doodads I made.Ĭanopic Jar: An enchanted Egyptian funerary urn that when held open in the presence of a kindred experiencing final death prevents the normal decay of the kindred's corpse long enough to harvest and organ and place it in the urn.