Another way is to enter Guards' office, located on the left side once you enter via main gates.
Leave the body there as no one will come here, or you can dump it into the river below but it is not recommended for a Silent Assassin rating.
You can simply follow one of them all the way to end, and then sedate and take disguise.
The first and easiest way to obtain this disguise is to sedate one of the guards patrolling the Eastern or Western sides of the villa. Guard Outfit: Provides access to the restricted areas except Mansion, hangar and drug lab. He is dressed in a white suit, and carries a Snub Nosed Revolver. A former now retired official in Pinochet's army. Don Fernando Delgado - The owner of the vineyard and second target. He is one of the two targets, and is dressed in a pink polo shirt and white pants. Manuel Delgado - Son of Don Fernando Delgado and heir to the Don's empire. They wear olive green shirts and cargo pants while they carry SAF SMGs. VIP Guards - Elite mercenaries that guard Fernando Delgaldo, as well the drug lab, his private hangar and mansion. They can be found on the outside of the villa, the wine cellar, and they have their own office to the direct left when entering the vineyard via the front gates.
Vineyard Guards - The men with the vests, hats and sunglasses are the ordinary guards.